Why the most effective content marketing is visual

Content marketing is fast getting out of control. It’s estimated that 1.5 billion pieces of content are generated every day, in a myriad of forms. According to the Content Marketing Institute’s recent survey 76% of marketers reported they were producing more than they did 12 months ago. BUT the vast majority is text based, with blog articles leading the way.

Since we’re all becoming content rich but time poor, the immediacy and consumability of content is becoming an increasingly important consideration. An interesting article on Social Media Today about the most popular types of content being shared in social media revealed that images are almost twice as likely to be shared than any other content type.  

Consider these three points;

  • 90% of information that enters our brain is visual
  • 65% of people are visual learners
  • 80% of people are more willing to read something through the simple introduction of colour

Think about how the infographic has transformed things. Information and data that used to be presented over multi-page text based documents is now captured in a single, visual and often highly creative page.

Producing creative, compelling content can be as simple as choosing a great image for your next post, or creating “Post-cards” to deploy in social media rather than just text. At the other end of the scale lie sophisticated interactive experiences and gamification. So the next time you’re planning your content strategy, be sure to include a strong visual presence.
