8 Key planning areas for content marketing

PPPPPP - Proper Planning Prevents P@!! Poor Performance. True in most things but especially in Content Marketing. Random content will get you nowhere; everything needs a reason and purpose. The planning does not have to be complicated, just create some basic tools that you can use as a template:

1. Topic plan with dimensions of the subject.

2. SEO keyword plan for search marketing.

3. Content matrix, plotting existing content and where there might be gaps.

4. Production plan for the additional content required.

5. Audience planner – plotting content against different members of the decision-making unit.

6. Buyer journey – identifying the phases your audience goes through and the content for each stage.

7. Calendar of activity.

8. Media plan for the channels where you will distribute the content.

9. Find a great agency to help you plan, create, distribute and measure all of this – (sorry, couldn’t resist that one.)
