Achieve more by saying less

Need to be careful what we say with a heading like that! There are a number of drivers behind the statement including pressure on our time, volumes of content and reduced attention spans.

Depending on the stage of the buying process your customers are at, the chances are that there are no more than 10 pieces of information that are critical to them at any one time. So why do marketers insist on producing pages and pages of content when one might achieve the same outcome? Just because you can say something doesn’t mean you should. 

It’s true that the decision to engage or buy will be impacted by many influencing factors and content types. But, by identifying the stages and the messages that are key to each member of the decision-making unit (individual, domestic or commercial), more can be communicated faster and with greater effectiveness.

The task of first identifying these stages and messages, and the skills needed to distil the messages so that they are short enough to allow easy consumption, but yet meaningful, relevant and compelling should not be underestimated.

Next time you are producing any form of communication in any media, ask yourself: what are the key points the audience are going to be interested in and what are the key points that are critical for you to convey – bear in mind these might be different. And also, how little can I say to get the desired outcome.
